Sunday, June 19, 2011

Anthem by Ayn Rand Roar post 1

Anthem is about a boy named Equality 7-2521  who lives during a time where the governtment structure controls every aspect of it's citizen's lives. Equality was not not the others in his society snd is the protagonist of the story. He had aspiried to become a scholar. The Council of Vocations controlled his destiny, and it was up to them to decide what job he would have. He became a street sweeper and alothough he wasn't pleased with it he accepted the job. While working as a street sweeper , he meets a girl whom he calls the golden one. She plays a bigger role in the latter half of the story.He eventually discovers electricity and determines that the way his society works isn't perfect. He sets off to try and find the scholars and show them what he has discovered. He hopes to become one of them after showing them this new innovation he has stumbled upon. This is significat to the plot of the book because he is the only one in the book that discovers free will and decides to rebel against the government.
"There are no limits to its secrets and its might, and it can be made to grant us anything if we but chose to ask." (Rand 60) 
This quote comes from the part of the boook when Equality 7-2521 discovers electricity. It's significant because he discovers that he does not have to be limited even though that is how his society opperates. With the discovery of electricity also comes Equality 7-2521's metamorphisis. From that point on he decides to break society's laws in order to achieve his goal of presenting electricity to the scholars and ultimately becoming one of them.

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