Monday, December 20, 2010

Pages 226-318 "Q&A" by Vikas Swarup

In this last section of Q&A, Ram gets the last two questions, well actually, all of the questions correct.  Getting the answers from life experiences that he tells to his lawyer, for months later in the present time, his lawyer Smita gets him out of the mess.  Except for something called, "Quiz show tax" where the quiz company took some of the quiz money that Ram earned.
For the twelfth question,  Ram used a life boat called, "A Friendly tip" where in "Who wants to be a millionaire" it is a lifeline.  After using that, he correctly answers the question, and moves on.  For the thirteen question, Ram uses another lifeboat called "Half-and-Half" where it's the 50-50 in Who wants to be a ?Millionaire.
"I will go by my instinct, and my instinct tells me to trust the answer given by Mr. Chatterjee. It is C. Love's Labour's Lost." (Swarup 299)
FINALLY!!! Ram has been proven right, thanks to his lawyer Smita, even though in the book, the actions of Smita are not really shown, or described at that time.  I am happy that Ram is proven innocent when accused guilty of cheating in a quiz show because it would really suck if he was found guilty.  I also find it funny because in the epilogue of the book, it turns out that Smita is Gudiya and that Ram had always been flipping a rigged coin, where both sides had heads on it.  It is also nice to know that Ram didn't rely on luck because of the two sided coin.

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