Monday, November 29, 2010

Q&A pages 62-121

Over these 60 pages or so, Ram shares some life experiences that would lead to how he answered a question in the quiz show correctly.  For the first question in this 60 paged passage, was how his neighbors got a pet cat and named it Pluto instead of Jupiter because Pluto is the smallest planet, and the cat is the smallest in the family.  He remembers that one day, the most-of-the-time drunk father had killed the small cat after harming his wife, sending her to the hospital, and put Pluto in Ram's hands for the time being.  The question that Ram had to answer was which planet is the smallest, and from this experience, Pluto was his answer.  In the next chapter, Ram talks about a gang who had kept Ram and Salim, Rams friend, like captives.  One day, they are told about Surdas , a blind poet who devoted his life to the god Krishna because Krishna had saved his life when he was stuck in an abandoned well. The question that Ram had to answer was which god was Surdas, the blind poet, devoted to? He answered correctly by choosing Krishna.
"The boy was none other that Krishna. After that Surdas devoted his life to composing songs in praise of Krishna." (Swarup 96)
After reading the first few chapters of this book, i finally realized what is trying to be told, how it's being told, and why it's being told in the chapters.  The random life facts of Ram Mohammad Thomas are not random. No, instead they are his experiences that lead up to how he was able to answer the questions correctly.  The first thing that made me a little sad in this passage, was that how his neighbors cat, Pluto, had died in the hands of the drunk father of the family while Ram was sleeping, and the wife and child were in the hospital. Not a cool thing to do.  This method is meant to  lead up to the question, which i think will usually be at the end of the chapter, to back up how he answered  the question correctly before what the question was.  It is being told this way to build suspense to the reader and make them think what the question is or why this certain part is being told in the story.  Other than that, I expect to keep reading this book in this style, so that i would be suspicious in a way to want to find out the question because i now know the method of the various chapters, story lines, and questions.

Monday, November 22, 2010

"Q&A" by Vikas Swarup Pg 1-61

Ram Mohammad Thomas is arrested and accused of cheating in a game show when has never gone to school, or read any books, though he was able to choose the correct answers in a Quiz show.  Speaking with a person who doesn't care that he is on Ram cheated or not, he wonders how Ram was able to answer the questions correctly, and then they have a flashback to when they were meeting an actor and onward.  He and his best friend find out that their favorite actor was hurt, and rejected because he was gay.  His friend is in tears because of this and that his best friends hero died.  They then decide to try for the gameshow "Who wants to win a billion!" and at random, Ram is chosen as a contestant for the gameshow.  He gets the first question right because his attendence in theatres to watch movies.  Afterwards, he talks about his daily life, like how he would pilfer some newspapers from Mr. Barve's trash can to make fire in the kitchen, that he would sometimes read the newspapers before they are reduced to ash.  He would also be watching movies and looking at the stars at night.  In the end of the passage, Gudiya, a friend of Ram, gets a kitten and pleads his parents to keep it, and eventually they allow the cat to live with them, with the name Pluto because it is the smallest in the family.
"That i am meant to live life like a dog, and die like an insect." (Swarup 17)
Throughout this passage, i think that it is a racist thing that Ram is accused of cheating on a gameshow when he is young and Indian.  I'm not completely sure he is arrested for this reason, but so far, i think that it is.  This probable racism is the reason i chose to read  this book.  Other than that, i think that it's nice to have some suspense to know whether or not Ram didn't cheat or not, and if he'll be innocent or guilty in the end.  I really want to know more of what'll happen next in Ram's flashbacks and accusation.